#starriewolf writes
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starriewolf · 4 years ago
Fandom: 4000년 만에 귀환한 대마도사 | The Great Mage Returns After 4000 Years (Webcomic) Character: Lukas Trowman Tags: Horrorween 2020 Warnings: Spoilers for latest novel chapters
Sometimes – not often, not in the Abyss, but he has been here long enough that it happens – sometimes, Lukas dreams.
He dreams that it is 4,000 years in the future and that everything he's ever known and loved is dead and gone. That Kasajin perished on a battlefield, swallowed up by an army of undead until not even his corpse is left. That Lucid died in agony, his body sliced into a hundred-thousand pieces trampled into the mud and his name lost to the passage of time. That Schweiser breathed his last as an old man hunched in a cave, eyes gone milky white with age, alone and unmourned. That Iris – that Iris turned to the side of the Demigods, eyes alight with mad fervour, drenched in the blood of those she once called friend.
He dreams of frozen rivers and drake fire, of contracting with demon grand dukes and allying with Demigods. He dreams of drinking lightning – no, summoning lightning – no, becoming lightning, of nestling his mana chamber against his heart to make way for flesh swollen with divine power.
And this is how he knows ‘tis but a dream, for what human can bear host to mana and divine power alike?
He dreams of a presence looming behind his shoulder, always out of sight, but always watching. He dreams that he feels the butterfly-touch of an exhale against his hair, hears the eerie echo of a voice too powerful and too terrible to bear –
“Found you, traitor.”
@cywscross​ @chaosgreymistchild @fox-the-hermit :kisukelolz:
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cheshirecaine · 2 years ago
A Very 2023 Tag Game
(ahh i forgot this in drafts.) thanks for the tag, Lala! @lalazeewrites
hello, my name is: Cheshire, Caine, variations thereof.
i live in: currently japan. xD a nickel for every time i moved country and didn’t mention it anywhere: 2.
in 2023 i���ll be turning: mid-twenties. Damn, why is this tag so much more 'what’s your social security #' than i’m used to
describe your 2022 in 3 words: promising, challenging, painful
3 words you hope will describe your 2023: healthy, joyful, creative
something you’re looking forward to this year: getting better at my job, writing more stuff, sunny days (i miss youuu), travelling hopefully, seeing my family again, making + speaking to friends. Umm, games maybe? Maybe I should see if I can get a console.
something you want to accomplish this year: Hmm. I'd like to write a lot more. More consistently--not writing tends to signal mental unwellness, and writing makes me mentally better so, worth a try. And journalling more. EDIT: OH AND GET BETTER AT JAPANESE. STUDY IT CONSISTENTLY OR SOMETHING.
somewhere you’d like to travel to this year: hmmmm. more japan, maybe more asia
something you’d like to do more of in 2023: reading, writing, arith. Ok no, the first two yes, and travelling? Trying new hobbies. Oh, Exercise is a big aim. Haven't in a long time, and I miss it. More crafts? Knit again, Actually try crochet. Just I dunno, try some more stores: shows/films. And just, idk appreciate people in my life more. Let go of some resentment too.
and finally, what’s your 2023 mantra? my best is different each day
Not my most concise answering but who cares. v optional tag for any of these kind people + as much of it as they feel like filling out @rainingskyguy @starriewolf @hoarder-of-tea @cywscross @hadrian-pendragons @eclipsemidnight @absolem0
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cywscross · 5 years ago
100 Words Tag Meme
Rules: Write 100 words of the trope you were tagged with, then choose a new trope/theme and tag people to participate. Any fandom, any ship!
Tagged by: @wynnefic :elmofire:
My trope: soulmates
Studies have been done: approximately 57% of those who register have reciprocated names; 32% go unreciprocated or unfound; and the remaining 11% have no soulmates at all.
For as long as anyone has asked, Owen has said that he falls into the third category - that is the lie. Since the age of six, Deckard Shaw has been scrawled on the inside of his right forearm in his brother’s handwriting - that is the truth.
He makes a habit of wearing a lot of long-sleeved shirts from a young age.
Not even Deckard knows. It is the one lie nobody ever questions, because it’s not exactly something most people are proud of. But Owen has never cared, and it is by far the preferable option because for as long as Owen has been alive, the name just above the crook of Deckard’s left elbow has read Lucas Hobbs, and even though it’s Owen whom Deckard fights for, Owen whom he half-raised, Owen whom he loves, it’s still not Owen that the universe declared should be his most important person, and Owen’s hatred for the man who took his place on his brother’s skin before he was even born will remain until the day he dies.
Better no soulmate, he thinks after his tenth birthday comes and goes and he still insists he has no name, than to bear the weight of Deckard’s guilt. Or worse, his pity.
Deckard only ruffles his hair, tells him it doesn’t matter, and puts the next five kids who try to taunt Owen about it in the infirmary. People learn to shut up after that, and Owen thinks he can tolerate it after all so long as he never loses his brother’s devotion.
He still resents the hell out of it, and some days he thinks it would be easier - and certainly fairer - if he’d been born with any other name at all.
Tagging: @rainingskyguy, @hadrian-pendragons, @starriewolf, @toast-ranger-to-a-stranger, @hotpinklizard, @queerfictionwriter, @aerdnanocte, @rikkamaru, @hamelin-born, @rayshippouuchiha, and anyone else who wants to play lol
Your trope: apocalypse, cuz i’m predictable like that
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aerdnanocte · 5 years ago
AO3 Ask Meme
Rules:  Go to your works page, expand all the filters, and answer the following questions! (ahhh i only have 2 fics but i got tagged so kjsdkjsdkldl hope im not boring ya
1. What’s your first and second most common work ratings? Any surprises?   
Teen And Up Audiences (2)  (Lol no variety)
2. What’s your most common archive warning? Least common? Do you consider yourself an adventurous writer? 
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (2)
adventurous in that I choose weird/not that common AUs, but not adventurous in that I don’t do stuff that... requires a lot of warnings.
3. How many fics have you written in each relationship category? Is this more accidental, or do you have preferences? 
M/M (2)
Gen (1)
I’m not surprised, bc the only two fics I wrote was for the uraichi events. I got swept up by the fervor in Cywscross’s server hahah. I don’t really have a preference. I have all sorts of wips in my brain and documents. Also gen stuff. 
4. What are your top 4 fandoms by numbers? Are you still active in any of them, and do you tend to migrate a lot? 
Bleach (2)
Oh man oh man. what I’ve written for and what I read is so vastly different. I read for like. so many fandoms. But I’ve only written for Bleach due to my biggest writing inspiration being the people in Cross’s Uraichi Server. 
5. What are your top 4 character tags? Does this match how you feel about the characters, or are you puzzled? 
Kurosaki Ichigo (2)
Urahara Kisuke (2)
Shihouin Yoruichi (1)
Hirako Shinji (1)
Again, I’ve only written for Uraichi LOL. There’s a bunch more characters that showed up only once. 
6. What are your top 2 most used additional tags, and your bottom 2? What would happen if you combined all 4 of these into a fic?
Top two: Pre-Slash (1)Time Loop (1)
Bottom Two: Not Beta Read (1)Selkies (1) 
...Every tag is used once. Gods I shldn’t be doing this Ask meme bc I produce such boring results. 
Anyways, time loop selkie AU, huh? Interesting
7. How many WIPs do you have currently running on AO3? Any you don’t plan on finishing? 
None. Though one of my fics is techinically a series so ig it’s unfinished. I currently have a few thoughts for it running through my head, but not enough to actually write the continuations. 
8. Tag 8 people!
I was tagged by @writerdragonfly ! ty for tagging me ^^
Sry to the ppl tagged multiple times ^^’ i...don’t think I have the tumblrs of 8 writers I actually know. 
@cywscross @starriewolf @rikamae @rainingskyguy
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rainingskyguy · 5 years ago
Tagged by: @cywscross @starriewolf  @hadrian-pendragons
Rules: Copy/paste and bold your fic preferences.
Slow burn or love at first sight 
Fake dating or secret dating (ok so like, I’m a sucker for this trope I have no excuse)
Enemies to lovers or best friends to lovers (Look I can enjoy an enemies to lovers, but only if it’s handled well. Nothing of that “let’s ignore he was abusive to me for forever, he loves me now” bs)
Oh no there’s only one bed or long distance correspondence (I don’t actually see this trope much but dang if I don’t love it)
Hurt/comfort or amnesia
Fantasy AU or modern AU  (I don’t really look for either, and I don’t really write fantasy)
Mutual pining or domestic bliss (mutual pining bliss ugh)
Smut or fluff (i like both but fluff’s the one for me)
Canon-compliant/missing scenes or fix-it  (Like both but fix-its draw my attention easier)
Alternate universe or future fic
One shot or multichapter  (i have like no attention span)
Kid fic or road trip fic
Reincarnation or character death
Arranged marriage or accidental marriage
High school romance or middle aged romance  
Time travel or isolated together
Neighbors or roommates
Sci fi AU or magic AU 
Body swap or genderbend
Angst or crack
Apocalyptic or mundane
@rikamae @piamio @emrysblu @writerdragonfly and everyone else who wants to participate!!!
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straight-outta-hobbiton · 6 years ago
Hey! Have you heard of the OC Day event coming up? If you're interested in writing any OC-specific fics, you should check it out! Here's the link: starriewolf(.)tumblr(.)com /post/187700870994/oc-day
Very cool! I don’t see any sign up dates, though— is it a sign up sort of thing or is it more of a ‘post your work on the appointed date!’ kind of dead?
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umisabaku · 5 years ago
hey umi, have you seen this event yet - starriewolf(.)tumblr(.)com /post/187700870994/oc-day Immediately wondered if you might want to write any of your knb ocs for it ;)
What a lovely event! And I’m honored you thought of me, anon-friend =D I think it’s super awesome that someone is out there supporting OCs in fic, so I am very happy to boost this as a Thing That Is Happening! 
I’m probably not going to write something specifically for this event, since the writing projects I’m currently working on are fairly time-consuming, but I DO really think it’s awesome that someone trying to generate some love for OC’s in fanfiction.
In fact, I’m going to specifically shout out to people I know have OCs to see if this is something they want to participate in: @howshouldiknowboutlife, @fantasmical-fantasy, @mist-me, @cordialcuddle, @allebooklover and @catielynnelove and @key-ei go forth and check this out because I know you have OCs and this seems like a fun way to give those OCs some love =D =D
(Link here for people who don’t want to delete the periods and spaces like I did. I probably forgot some people to shout at, but seriously everyone, go forth and celebrate your OCs!!)
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eclipsemidnight · 6 years ago
So I got tagged to do this a few weeks ago by Kat (@obaewankenope) and I’m only just now getting around to it. Talking about 5 fics I’ve worked on, why not? :D
1. A Fic I’m Proud Of
I know it’s the one of mine that people are least likely to be interested in, but I’m really proud of The Only Good Sith, aka my plotty palpabinks story. I felt like I managed to get a progression in there, showing Palpatine’s character arc and how even the good motivations can get corrupted over time. Also I don’t write as many longer fics, let alone get them to the point of being complete and published, so I’m proud that I got this story done from start to end containing everything I wanted it to!
2. A Fic I’m Excited About
I’m really excited about the fic I’m currently trying to write, which is a BNHA (yeah, I know, not one of my usuals but I’m really enjoying it!) If you see me post about the Endadvor AU, this is the one I mean. I don’t want to give too many spoilers away though!
I’ve also put in some work on Death, Yet The Force’s sequel recently, so hopefully that will come out at some point! And stop being an unfulfilled promise whoops
3. A Fic That Was Challenging
Most of the fic that was really challenging and fought me are in my WIP files to be honest, no matter how long they are. And also probably most of my works-in-progress (kitsune catastrophes aside, that was more a casualty of my thesis). This is my hobby, not my job; if I’m not feeling it for whatever reason, I can choose to set it aside and come back to it. 
Probably the most challenging that I posted was the one Obikin Star Wars one, Flashes of Blue. I figured out that I don’t really enjoy the pairing because of the teacher/student dynamic, but it was originally for a big bang so I changed that history that was squicking me and wrote it anyway, a bby!knight Anakin meets senior knight!Obi-Wan for a rewrite of AoTC/general mission fic. Probably not my best decision, but this was a while ago and I know better than to do it now. The writing is far from my best, and I got so much push back for trying to write a nonbinary Anakin that with such a hostile reader base it was even more challenging to get excited for it. It was the only one of my fics I’ve ever had to moderate comments for, and I’m not proud of that. It’s also the one of my fics I’ve seriously considered taking down on my new account, because I don’t want to take down a fic that might bring joy to even a single person, fic can be important, but it also feels like nothing good has come from it.
4. A Fic That Was Something I Hadn’t Tried Before
Most of my fics are new in some way, but the first one I thought of here was my first real attempt at a long crossover work, A Key To The Heavens (A Sword To The Neck), my Bleach-SAO crossover. I prefer to write canon-universe fic and I don’t really do much in the way of crossovers. This one stalled out a bit and is currently being edited so that I can do better pacing and fit in the plot I’ve planned for later, not surprising since it was one of my first attempts at a longfic, but I’m still proud of making the attempt. Sometimes you stumble the first time you run. Since then I’ve written Seek Death and Live, a Bleach-Hunger Games crossover, which I think went more smoothly.
5. One I Just Want To Share
Child’s Play! It was the first good time travel (well, time loop, but semantics) fic I ever wrote, and it originally was a writing exercise that got out of hand. I really enjoyed writing it, and I always enjoy reading it! A little bit of the writer is working out her own issues here, and it’s not exactly happy (time loop focuses on Kurosaki Masaki’s death day) but I think it’s quality.  
I’d do a +1 because if there’s 5 with no +1 is it really a fic meme? 
Tagging @cheshirecaine, @rainingskyguy, @starriewolf, @cywscross, anyone else who wants it
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siavahdainthemoon · 6 years ago
Pray for @starriewolf and don’t hold it against zem if they murder me
This thing is 65 a4 pages long with a wordcount just over 37k, I think murder is warranted
Also I am so late for work, I got up early to write and could not stop even when I should have, BYE GUYS SEE YOU LATER
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starriewolf · 5 years ago
It’s been seventeen months, two weeks, and four days since he lost his shinigami powers.
Seventeen months, one week, and six days since he bought his first VR NetGear with the money he’d saved up from his part-time job, trying to find a semblance of normalcy, do something a normal teenage boy would.
Sixteen months, three weeks, and three days since he was standing in that courtyard alongside hundreds of thousands of people, listening to Kayaba Akihiko’s announcement that they were all now trapped in a death game.
Tags: BAMF Ichigo • BAMF Urahara • Ichigo & Gotei 13 • Inspired by Shiroe from Log Horizon
Word count: 2,683
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cheshirecaine · 5 years ago
First Line Challenge
Rules: Post the first line of your wip and tag as many people as words.
Tagged by @cywscross
I don’t tend to write iconic first lines but let’s give this a go.
Kisuke felt like a butterfly pinned to a corkboard. Soifon’s gaze was that intense.
@fiendtalks @rainingskyguy @smorgasbordofobsessions @cruciomysoul (if you’re working on anything, Crucio :D) @eclipsemidnight @feelingfredly (tho i’ve seen stuff already) @hadrian-pendragons @starriewolf I’ve double-tagged people enough + this covers the first sentence lol. Have fun with it, guys!
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siavahdainthemoon · 6 years ago
It has indeed been a minute, I'm sorry for being MIA! But this made me feel very loved <3
Exciting things are happening to me at work (I WRITE VISUAL NOVELS FOR MONEY NOW AND I GET TO MAKE THEM QUEER AF) (no lie the one I'm currently working on features a snarky nb alchemist who is besties with a stuck-up seer and a magical creatures veterinary major) and also I am scribbling away at City of Knives every single day, @starriewolf is either gonna cry or stab me when I hand over this 50+ page chapter and I regret NOTHING
So basically I am good, just not online very much recently. BUT ALL IS WELL I PROMISE <3
(Including that adorable pupper, eeeeee!)
Hope you're doing okay too lovely!
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rainingskyguy · 5 years ago
6 facts game!
Tagged by the amazing @skygemspeaks! An amazing writer! 
Rules: share 6 random facts about yourself and then tag 10 followers
1. I actually first met Skygem through the KHR fanfic group in facebook, so many years ago. I wonder if she remembers? xD
2. My first ever fanfic I wrote was HitsuKarin from Bleach omg. But since I never count it, my real introduction to the writing world was IlYamatsuna’s 8027 christmas challenge! Please don’t read that fic tho, it’s so bad omg.
3. When choosing an internet personality I chose the surname Armstrong because I’m a Green Day junkie. I regret nothing.
4. Over at FFN I’ve been told several times “I thought you were more serious/cool”. Which is of course disproved after having 1 conversation with me, oh my god I’m a mess. Sometimes I lie awake in bed, wondering if my AN’s really came off as stand-off-ish.
5. I love cooking. And baking. Kneading bread still makes my right hand swell tho. Also I don’t like sweets lmfao. If I bake a pastry or something, it’s for my family/friends.
6. I’m Mexican! Have been learning English since kindergarden (no joke, I was forbidden from speaking Spanish during 3rd year of kindergarden for some classes xD). Currently trying to learn German. I would love to go to germany. Maybe to study a post graduate course? Still unsure.
Tagging! I’m tagging people I talk to, rather than followers lol:
@emrysblu @writerdragonfly
@cheshirecaine  @fiendtalks @mrs-tachibana @cywscross @starriewolf
And anyone else that wants to participate!
Only if you want to ofc!
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starriewolf · 5 years ago
“Ichigo is of an impeccable pedigree that will please the most stalwart Shihōin elder, and yet sufficiently far removed from the line of inheritance that marriage to a bastard son is a viable – even preferred – prospect. You were the highest ranking Onmitsukidō officer not already head of another clan, and the half-brother of the Shihōin head. It was the match of the century.”
Tags: UraIchi • Kisuke & Tessai & Yoruichi • Kisuke & Visoreds • Explanations
Word count: 2,807
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starriewolf · 5 years ago
Tumblr media
Link to event | Link to AO3 collection
Day 1: New Horizons - Crossover
Naraku no Shūen [Bleach x SAO crossover]
Day 2: In another life
Playing with Pendulums series - HwH
Day 3: Different first meetings
Playing with Pendulums series - IwI
Day 4: Twisting canon
Playing with Pendulums series - JwJ
Day 5: Relationship ridiculousness
Te wo Tsunaide series - Continental Crush ch 2 [Rating: E]
Playing with Pendulums series - KwK
Day 6: Fantasy Mix - Mythology AU & Different Era
Legend of the Sun and Moon (the Onmyōji series) - Hiasobi. [Rating: E]
Day 7: Outliers - PoV Outsider & 5+1
Playing with Pendulums series - LwL
Both the Playing with Pendulums series and Legend of the Sun and Moon series will end with this event, although I’m open to requests for future extras.
There may be additional fics, especially for the final two days, but I’m not listing anything that is still tentative. Please see my Discord if you want to ask about those.
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starriewolf · 5 years ago
It’s the fifth day of Mr Urahara and Mr Ichigo’s stay at Shangri-La The Shard, and today they're enjoying the facilities the hotel has to offer.
Which, naturally, includes the Infinity Skypool and their personal butler service.
Tags: Established Relationship • Vacation fluff • Relationship Ridiculousness • Gratuitous flirting • Explicit sexual content • Everybody loves Rajan
Word count: 4,836
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